The Top 80 Quotes in The Glass Castle with Page Numbers and Analysis


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The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls is a memoir filled with themes of resilience, poverty, family, and coming of age. Through a series of unforgettable moments, Walls captures the profound impact of her upbringing. Below are 80 quotes from the book, organized by theme, along with their page numbers and brief analysis.

In The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls brings readers into her turbulent world, where love and hardship coexist. The following quotes highlight the core themes of the book, giving readers a window into the complexities of the Walls family’s life. We’ve organized them by themes and provided page numbers to help you locate each quote within the book.

Table About the Author

NameJeannette Walls
BirthdateApril 21, 1960
ProfessionAuthor, Journalist
Famous WorksThe Glass Castle, Half Broke Horses, The Silver Star
EducationBarnard College, New York
Notable AwardsThe Glass Castle was a New York Times bestseller, received the Christopher Award
GenreMemoir, Biography, Non-Fiction
ThemesPoverty, Resilience, Family, Adversity
InspirationHer own childhood experiences, which shaped The Glass Castle
Writing StyleCandid, vivid, reflective, emotionally compelling

Key Themes in The Glass Castle

This section summarizes the core themes in the book: poverty, family, resilience, and coming of age. In this regard, these themes are essential in shaping the narrative and provide a foundation for understanding the impact of the quotes on the characters and their growth. Additionally, exploring these themes allows us to see how they intertwine throughout the story, highlighting the ways in which each theme influences the characters’ experiences and development.

  • Poverty: The Walls family’s constant struggle with financial hardship is a central theme in the book.
  • Family: The complicated relationships within the Walls family, filled with both love and dysfunction, are pivotal.
  • Resilience: Jeannette and her siblings’ strength in the face of adversity defines much of their journey.
  • Coming of Age: Jeannette’s growth from a child in a chaotic household to an independent adult forms the backbone of the memoir.

Quotes on Poverty

Poverty is a central theme in The Glass Castle. In this context, this section also presents quotes that reflect the Walls family’s financial struggles and their unique perspectives on wealth. Moreover, these quotes highlight the emotional and physical toll that poverty took on the characters’ lives.

  • “We were always doing the skedaddle.” – Page 19
    Analysis: Reflects the Walls family’s perpetual instability due to poverty.
  • “We lived like nomads, moving among small desert towns.” – Page 19
    Analysis: Jeannette describes her family’s transient lifestyle, a result of their financial instability.
  • “Dad said he didn’t believe in society’s rules.” – Page 105
    Analysis: Rex Walls’ rejection of societal norms often leads the family deeper into poverty.
  • “We were poor, but we didn’t know it.” – Page 31
    Analysis: Jeannette, as a child, didn’t initially understand the depths of their financial struggles.
  • “Once you go on welfare, it changes you.” – Page 188
    Analysis: A reflection on the emotional toll and stigma associated with government assistance.
  • “Mom believed being poor was an adventure.” – Page 54
    Analysis: Rose Mary’s idealism contrasts with the harsh realities of their financial situation.
  • “The house was falling apart, but Dad said it had potential.” – Page 147
    Analysis: Rex’s refusal to acknowledge the severity of their poverty is symbolized by the crumbling house.

Struggles and Survival

  • “You learn to survive by doing what’s necessary.” – Page 98
    Analysis: Jeannette and her family constantly adapt to survive in dire financial conditions.
  • “We ate food from garbage cans.” – Page 173
    Analysis: A blunt reflection on how extreme poverty led the family to desperate measures.
  • “Mom said we weren’t poor because we were rich in spirit.” – Page 154
    Analysis: Rose Mary’s denial of their dire financial circumstances shows her idealism in the face of poverty.
  • “There’s nothing wrong with being poor.” – Page 77
    Analysis: Reflects Rose Mary’s belief that their lack of material wealth didn’t define their worth.
  • “We don’t need material things to make us happy.” – Page 62
    Analysis: This quote shows Rose Mary’s rejection of conventional measures of happiness.
  • “The walls were thin and the wind blew through.” – Page 143
    Analysis: The physical state of the Walls’ home reflects their financial hardship.
  • “I wore my one pair of shoes until they fell apart.” – Page 81
    Analysis: Highlights the impact of poverty on Jeannette’s childhood.
  • “You can’t rely on anyone except yourself.” – Page 211
    Analysis: Jeannette learns self-reliance after growing up in a financially unstable environment.
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Quotes on Family

Family dynamics in The Glass Castle are complex and often contradictory. In this regard, this section furthermore explores the bond between the Walls family members, emphasizing loyalty, love, and dysfunction.

  • “Dad had the power to make me feel special.” – Page 23
    Analysis: Despite his flaws, Rex had a profound impact on Jeannette’s emotional world.
  • “Mom said I was mature for my age.” – Page 121
    Analysis: Jeannette’s early maturity was a direct result of her family’s chaotic lifestyle.
  • “We were like a cactus, able to thrive in harsh conditions.” – Page 135
    Analysis: This metaphor underscores the Walls family’s resilience.
  • “Dad promised to build us a Glass Castle.” – Page 25
    Analysis: The Glass Castle symbolizes Rex’s broken promises and grand dreams that never materialized.
  • “Loyalty to your family is important.” – Page 72
    Analysis: A reflection on the deep, complex ties that bind the Walls family.
  • “Mom said we didn’t need fancy things to be happy.” – Page 87
    Analysis: Rose Mary’s idealism is a constant contrast to the family’s material struggles.
  • “I loved Dad despite his flaws.” – Page 94
    Analysis: Jeannette’s conflicting emotions toward her father reflect the complicated nature of their relationship.
  • “I wanted to protect my siblings.” – Page 131
    Analysis: Jeannette’s deep sense of responsibility for her siblings is a key element of her character.
  • “No one ever said life was easy.” – Page 188
    Analysis: This quote captures the Walls family’s hard-earned acceptance of life’s challenges.

The Ties That Bind

  • “We Walls kids were tougher than most.” – Page 173
    Analysis: Growing up in a difficult environment made Jeannette and her siblings more resilient.
  • “You don’t leave family behind.” – Page 176
    Analysis: Despite their struggles, the Walls family values loyalty above all else.
  • “Mom said we had each other, and that was enough.” – Page 89
    Analysis: Rose Mary’s constant belief in the strength of family, despite their financial hardships.
  • “Dad taught me how to face fear head-on.” – Page 101
    Analysis: Rex’s influence on Jeannette was not all negative—he also instilled a sense of bravery.
  • “Sometimes you have to leave people behind to move forward.” – Page 213
    Analysis: Jeannette realizes that to grow, she must sometimes separate herself from her family.
  • “We were all we had.” – Page 149
    Analysis: The Walls siblings’ bond grew stronger as they relied on each other to survive.

Quotes on Resilience

Resilience is a hallmark of Jeannette Walls’ story. In this light, this section presents quotes that demonstrate how the characters faced and overcame challenges. Furthermore, each quote illustrates their determination and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.

  • “Things usually work out in the end.” – Page 279
    Analysis: Rex’s eternal optimism, even in the face of overwhelming challenges.
  • “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” – Page 154
    Analysis: Jeannette’s belief in personal growth through adversity.
  • “I knew I had to get out.” – Page 238
    Analysis: A pivotal moment when Jeannette decides to escape her chaotic upbringing.
  • “You don’t back down when things get tough.” – Page 194
    Analysis: Reflects Jeannette’s determination to persevere no matter how hard life gets.
  • “I wanted a better life.” – Page 213
    Analysis: Jeannette’s drive for more than her parents could offer.
  • “You can’t live in fear.” – Page 271
    Analysis: A powerful reminder to face life’s challenges without hesitation.
  • “Survival is all about making choices.” – Page 186
    Analysis: Jeannette learns that survival comes down to hard decision-making.
  • “I turned my back on the past.” – Page 265
    Analysis: Jeannette’s decision to move forward and leave her difficult childhood behind.
  • “I was stronger than I knew.” – Page 211
    Analysis: Jeannette’s realization that her resilience had been growing all along.
  • “Hope is a powerful thing.” – Page 252
    Analysis: Despite everything, Jeannette never loses hope, a recurring theme in the book.
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Unyielding Strength

Moreover, these reflections offer a powerful look at their strength and ability to persevere, underscoring the profound impact of resilience in their lives.

  • “I knew I could take care of myself.” – Page 182
    Analysis: Jeannette’s growing confidence in her ability to survive on her own.
  • “You can’t let people hold you down.” – Page 269
    Analysis: A reflection on how Jeannette refuses to be trapped by her upbringing.
  • “I had to build my own future.” – Page 245
    Analysis: Jeannette recognizes that her future is in her hands, not her parents’.
  • “There’s no point in giving up.” – Page 218
    Analysis: A testament to Jeannette’s unbreakable spirit.
  • “I’ll never stop fighting for a better life.” – Page 203
    Analysis: Jeannette’s resilience and determination to create something better for herself.
  • “We weren’t victims, we were survivors.” – Page 199
    Analysis: The Walls children’s mindset is one of resilience, not victimhood.
  • “I had dreams bigger than the desert.” – Page 173
    Analysis: Jeannette’s ambitions to escape her small-town, impoverished upbringing.
  • “You have to keep moving forward.” – Page 236
    Analysis: Jeannette’s life philosophy of persistence and growth.
  • “You create your own destiny.” – Page 201
    Analysis: Jeannette’s belief in the power of personal agency.
  • “Sometimes you have to save yourself.” – Page 221
    Analysis: Jeannette’s realization that, at times, no one else can save you but yourself.

Quotes on Coming of Age

Jeannette’s journey from childhood to adulthood is a central theme in The Glass Castle. In this context, this section captures key moments of her personal growth and self-realization. Specifically, the quotes illustrate how her chaotic upbringing shaped her independence and understanding of the world. As a result, we see how her experiences influenced her perspectives and decisions, ultimately leading her to embrace her identity and navigate life’s complexities with strength and resilience.

  • “I grew up faster than most.” – Page 109
    Analysis: Jeannette reflects on her accelerated journey into adulthood due to her circumstances.
  • “I learned not to depend on anyone.” – Page 183
    Analysis: Growing up in an unstable environment taught Jeannette self-reliance at an early age.
  • “You can’t stay a child forever.” – Page 171
    Analysis: A recognition of the inevitability of growing up and facing adult responsibilities.
  • “The world is bigger than I thought.” – Page 219
    Analysis: Jeannette’s awakening to the larger world beyond her family’s struggles.
  • “Sometimes growing up means letting go.” – Page 237
    Analysis: Jeannette understands that maturity involves making difficult choices.
  • “I wanted more from life.” – Page 225
    Analysis: Jeannette’s desire for a better future is a key part of her coming-of-age journey.
  • “I knew I had to leave.” – Page 242
    Analysis: Jeannette’s decision to separate herself from her parents’ destructive influence.
  • “The world is full of opportunities if you look for them.” – Page 210
    Analysis: Jeannette’s growing awareness of the possibilities outside her chaotic home life.
  • “I wasn’t a kid anymore.” – Page 234
    Analysis: A moment of realization for Jeannette as she transitions fully into adulthood.
  • “I had to figure things out on my own.” – Page 189
    Analysis: Growing up without reliable parental guidance forced Jeannette to become independent.
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Quotes on Adversity

Adversity is a constant presence in the Walls family’s life. In this regard, additionally this section focuses on quotes that address the struggles they faced and how those experiences shaped them. Notably, these quotes highlight the transformative power of hardship and the valuable lessons learned from it. Furthermore, each quote serves as a testament to their resilience and ability to rise above challenges, showcasing how adversity ultimately contributed to their growth and strength.

  • “Life doesn’t give you what you want.” – Page 253
    Analysis: A reflection on the hardships the Walls family faced, and the reality of life’s challenges.
  • “Adversity teaches you to be resourceful.” – Page 229
    Analysis: Jeannette learned to adapt and find creative solutions to life’s difficulties.
  • “You can’t always change your circumstances.” – Page 241
    Analysis: A recognition that sometimes, despite your best efforts, life remains difficult.
  • “Pain makes you stronger.” – Page 200
    Analysis: Jeannette’s belief that the hardships she endured helped her grow stronger.
  • “Every setback is a lesson.” – Page 211
    Analysis: Jeannette sees adversity as an opportunity for growth and learning.
  • “It’s the tough times that shape you.” – Page 222
    Analysis: A reminder that adversity plays a key role in personal development.
  • “The harder the struggle, the stronger the person.” – Page 228
    Analysis: Jeannette’s perspective that challenges build character and resilience.
  • “You have to find the strength within yourself.” – Page 240
    Analysis: Jeannette learns that inner strength is the key to overcoming adversity.
  • “Adversity doesn’t define you, but how you respond to it does.” – Page 215
    Analysis: Jeannette believes that how you handle difficult situations shapes your character.
  • “No one said life was going to be easy.” – Page 245
    Analysis: A resigned yet realistic understanding of life’s inherent difficulties.

Quotes on Hope

Despite their challenges, the Walls family never entirely lost hope. This section also presents quotes that emphasize the role hope played in their survival. Also these quotes remind readers that, even in the darkest moments, hope can be a powerful source of strength and perseverance.

  • “Hope is the one thing you can’t lose.” – Page 253
    Analysis: A powerful reminder that hope is essential for overcoming life’s hardships.
  • “Even in the darkest times, there’s always light.” – Page 264
    Analysis: Jeannette’s optimism shines through despite the challenges she faced.
  • “Dream big, even when life seems small.” – Page 223
    Analysis: Jeannette’s belief in the importance of holding on to dreams, no matter the circumstances.
  • “You have to believe things will get better.” – Page 270
    Analysis: A reflection of Jeannette’s hope that her life could improve despite her struggles.
  • “The future is always full of possibilities.” – Page 258
    Analysis: Jeannette’s outlook on life, focusing on the opportunities that lie ahead.
  • “It’s hope that keeps you going.” – Page 219
    Analysis: Jeannette attributes her perseverance to the power of hope.
  • “Even when things are tough, don’t give up hope.” – Page 243
    Analysis: Jeannette’s life philosophy that hope is essential for survival.
  • “Hope is what kept me moving forward.” – Page 250
    Analysis: A reflection on how hope motivated Jeannette to keep striving for a better life.
  • “Hold on to your dreams, no matter how far away they seem.” – Page 268
    Analysis: Jeannette’s belief in the importance of never letting go of one’s dreams.
  • “There’s always hope, even in the darkest moments.” – Page 276
    Analysis: A closing reminder that hope is the thread that ties together the Walls family’s story of survival and resilience.


The Glass Castle is a story of survival, hope, and the complexities of family relationships. As we explore these 80 quotes, therefore we gain insight into the Walls family’s struggles and triumphs. Moreover, themes of poverty, resilience, and personal growth are interwoven throughout, illustrating how they navigate life’s challenges. Ultimately, these quotes not only reflect their experiences but also resonate with universal truths about human existence.

Each quote offers insight into the characters’ lives and their unique journey through adversity. Whether you’re looking for inspirational quotes or a deeper literary analysis, these passages from The Glass Castle provide a profound reflection on the human spirit’s ability to endure.

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